Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Greater Love

 John 15:13 - "Greater love has no one than this. That one lay down his life for his friend."

What does it mean to lay your life down? Does it mean grandiose and dramatic acts? Maybe. That is what I often picture or imagine when I think of this verse. But what if it means smaller and more subtle actions? We hold on to selfishness and pride so often. I know I do. But what if we said, "You know what? I'm going to intentionally set aside my own needs/wants/desires in this moment because I see another fellow human in need." Is that the "greater love" that Jesus was talking about here? I would say so. 

Greater love takes intentionality. It takes cultivation. It takes practice. 

It also doesn't mean that your needs and wants and desire are NOT important. I doubt that Jesus was instructing us to tell ourselves that our needs were unimportant (hairs on head, birds of the air, and all that). But he was telling us to lay our needs aside for the sake of others. 

The coolest part about this model is that, if the person you are loving also believes this truth, maybe they'll set aside their needs for you too. Which would mean that both of your needs are being met in a mutually beneficial relationship. 

Now that's a beautiful picture. 

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